Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Daffodil Cards

Back home in Leicester, my Mum and I help do the children's liturgy at our local parish church. For the last one, we made Easter daffodil cards using cut-out cartridge paper as the basic 6 petal flower shape (which the children coloured in), then stuck on a cardboard egg cup cut from an egg box (which I painted). These are the sample cards I created to show the children:

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Monday, 12 April 2010

Easter Time

Easter time in the Foster house! In Poland, Święcone is the tradition where you have a special meal, which is like breakfast or brunch, on Easter Sunday. On the Saturday before, you take food in beautifully decorated baskets to a short church service where the food is blessed. A few years ago, I began to paint the boiled eggs that we eat as part of Święcone breakfast:
The eggs in action in the Easter display:

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